bat shift命令用法


@echo off 
set a=100 
if %a%==100 ( echo "true" ) else echo "false" 
if %a%==100 echo "true 
if %a%==100 (
  goto A
) else ( ::注意这个地方不能换行,否则无法识别else语句
  goto B
::标签A A后需要换行,不换行会被作为表前端名称字符串 比如 : A echo "true" 
echo "true"
goto end
echo "false"
goto end

example of shift

@echo off
rem MYCOPY.BAT copies any number of files
rem to a directory.
rem The command uses the following syntax:
rem mycopy dir file1 file2 ...
set todir=%1
if "%1"=="" goto end
copy %1 %todir%
goto getfile
set todir=
echo All done
punkmonday /
Published under (CC) BY-NC-SA in categories linux  tagged with bat  windows